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Viewing all items for tag 海外婚紗攝影


Kyoto Pre-Wedding Joanna + Billy

這次是第三次為Joanna Lo & Billy Leung 拍攝了,大家已經fd 過打band。上星期仲到了他們家作客tim~
相信大家去過睇櫻花的你,一定知道成個京都係遊客,為左避開佢地,地點的選擇非常重要, 今次找了幾個景點,真的比較少人,影出黎我都好滿意^


MUA: Rose Lau

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Love in Bali – Keahi + Ming

六月時到Bali 拍攝連續4天Pre-Wedding, 未去之前都非常擔心體力問題,但係,我呢個峇里通已經非常熟路,日日都超多靈感,影唔停唔願休息tim~

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Bali Pre-Wedding Video – Terry & Ken

Overseas 旺季終於都完了,之前係京都,沖繩同峇里影落的Pre-Wedding 都會已經搞掂曬~黎緊會分批Upload, 大家記得要俾d耐性等下啦~ 雖然之前都會出比較多的婚紗相,不過我最喜歡都係影Big Day,如果大家都搵緊婚禮攝影師,就唔好忘記我啦~

Video: Ming Yung Team

MUA: Rose Lau

Location: Bali

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Europe Pre-Wedding Tour

Ming Yung 又去歐洲影相啦~今次將會帶大家去倫敦,巴黎,威尼斯&布拉格。


想去歐洲影pre wedding的朋友~快D行動啦=]




Europe Pre-Wedding Tour

Photo by Ming Yung team

Make Up Artist

80 Retouched Pictures

All Photo Soft Copy

One 12”x12“ or 10”x 14“

10 pages Crystal Cover Album One 30” x 20” Canvas

One Suit + One Wedding Gown

Price included my team flight fare and accommodations

HKD32800   HKD28800


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Kyoto Pre-Wedding

京都櫻花真係超美~仲有一年只得一次機會,如果大家想影的話,就要把握機會啦~   20140604-0001 20140604-0002 20140604-0003 20140604-0004 20140604-0005 20140604-0006 20140604-0007 20140604-0008 20140604-0009 20140604-0010 20140604-0011

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  • Rosa


  • Prudence Lee

    May I have your rate card?

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